Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pet Peeves and Children

May 27, 2010

I try to think the best of everyone especially if I have a first bad impression. I try to look for the good and hope for the best in people.

Lately I have had some pet peeves that need to be shared.

I work in a public job and my job includes being at the front desk, handling the phone and helping the people as they come in.

Here are a list of my pet peeves:

1. Members that leave stuff at the front desk for others and expect you to give it to them like they will be there in the next day or so and they actually don't come back until the next week.

2. Folks coming in and expecting us to know exactly which location their children are in.

3. Parents that drop their kids off and expect us to babysit them.

4. Children that have absolutely no respect for their peers or adults.

On the flip side, there are a number of children that come in and are very polite and nice and are fun to visit with.

The handicapped children that come in and may be working with the school to help them get a job.

The young gentleman that has a handicap that opens the door for everyone in the morning before the bus comes to pick him up and he tells us goodby as he is leaving like we are his folks and he needs to say goodby.

The fun members that come in to give us a hard time and are fun to listen to.

The older folks that enjoy visiting with you and like to chat and talk.

There are a number of pet peeves that I have but the good folks more than outweigh the troublesome pet peeves and that is what makes my day!

Hold down the fort!

Summer camp is coming to the YMCA along with kids that are out of school. It will be getting busier and we do this every year at this time. Nothing is new so I tell myself to get a grip and enjoy the day as there is never a dull moment at the place that I work.

Isn't that what makes life interesting and fun at that!

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