Saturday, August 10, 2013

Music is the Heart of the Soul

August 10, 2013

Sing to the Lord a New Song!

Good morning everyone,

It is a nice sunny day here in T-town.  I should be out walking our dog.
Instead, I am at my computer trying to catch up on emails and other things.

I praise God every day for a number of things.  Today, I thank God that
I can go to the church of my choice, play my guitar with the rest of our group,
and sing songs and hymns and spiritual songs. 

I belong to our contemporary band that we have had at our church for
a number of years.  My friend taught me how to play the guitar.  It's a lot of
fun and very inspirational.  We consist of a Piano player, a drum player,
2 flute players, 4 guitar players, and a rhythm instrument player, etc. 

I love traditional music but I also love contemporary music that is not too
hard rock.  That is us. 

We play the 2nd weekend of every month.  We play at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday night
and at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and we practice at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday.

It's always fun and enjoyable and brings a smile to my face. 

So when you go to church tonight/tomorrow, lift up your voice and sing and worship
with a smile on your face and a pep in your step and enjoy the music around you and
understand that God is there in the midst of you.

Have a wonderful day!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Faith and Family

Faith and Family

Today is Sunday, August 4, 2013

Every Sunday, Myron and I go to church at Our Savior's Lutheran
here in Topeka, KS.

We participate in choir, helping serve coffee, greeting folks and various
other things we enjoy doing. 

We sing hymns, listen to the sermon (sometimes I even take notes)
and we greet folks.  We pick up friends and bring them to church when 
when they need a ride.  This is what we do. 

When fellow friends are missing, we make sure they are ok by a
phone call or a visit. 

Church is inspiring to me.  I did not grow up Lutheran so I enjoy

the liturgy, the sermon and all things that have to do with worship.
I am even on the Worship Committee.  It is a blessing to me.  I have
learned quite a bit.  Sometimes we take things for granted and learn
that it takes a lot to have a meaningful worship service.

A few years back, Myron and Mark (our son) used to go to different
churches during the summer to see how other fellow Topekans worship.
They have had some interesting experiences.  I am hoping they
can do that again some time.  I may even participate.

I am happy to say that my eldest son and family are going to church
and that is great. 

"Family" is important and where better to experience "family" than in
church where you can worship together and fellowship afterwards
with a cup of coffee and a friendly word. 

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things
not seen.  It's enough to move mountains, to have miracles happen and
a loving relationship with God and His son, Jesus.  Praise be to

Have a great Sunday everyone.  Feel free to take a nap.  It's Sunday, a
day of rest.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

"Christ in Our Home"

I read from a devotion book called, "Christ in Our Home."  There are times
when I also read from "Our Daily Bread."

Today's devotion comes from Colossians 3:1-11. 

I read it and this passage tells me to seek those things which are
from above where Christ is sitting with the Father.

The devotion tells me not to lie and that we all lie at some point.
We save people's feelings, we avoid confrontation.  We save ourselves
from uncomfortable situations, etc. 

So then, I didn't like this very much so I read the rest of Colossians 3.
I felt much better because if we put on love and share it and listen to
Christ dwelling in us, we will be blessed and we will sing spiritual
songs and sing to the Lord with grace in our hearts. 

The Lord forgives us when we ask him and are sorry for our sins.

I challenge you all to read Colossians 3 and come up with your own
understanding of the Lord and what he wants for us.

Have a wonderful Saturday and I'll be back again soon.
